Childcare Worker

Kiannah Hyde

Hi! My name is Kiannah, and I am a Child Care Worker at Miller Home for Girls.

As a Child Care worker, my job is to meet the needs of the girls and to provide a positive and safe environment for them to reach their highest potential.  I get to do life with these girls which is full of fun and learning moments. I love seeing the girls set goals and realize that they are able to accomplish great things. My favorite part is being able to cheer them on as they learn and grow! I am the second oldest out of four children.  My parents fostered and adopted, inspiring me to work with families and provide safe environments for children.

My favorite book is The Hunger Games, favorite movie series is Lord of the Rings, and I love the color sunset orange. When I’m not on shift, I love running, grabbing coffee with friends, and spending time with family.  I strive to live intentionally one day at a time.


Fun Facts

On a trip visiting college friends, I swam with sharks and manta rays in the Caribbean!

Favorite Quote

“Joy is more a decision than a feeling. It is choosing to live above feelings but not deny them.”

- Troy Warner